Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Spouse

Many people believe that Michelle Obama doesn't deserve to be First Lady. They see her as unpatriotic and ungrateful.

Cindy McCain stole pain pills from a medical charity she headed and forged prescriptions in the names of the charity's employees.

Laura Welch ran a stop sign and killed a friend and classmate, Michael Dutton Douglas, who was driving the other car.

Bill Clinton perjured himself and was impeached.

Interesting that we have a problem with Michelle Obama.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spin, Spin, Spin

Hillary Clinton's next book? "The Audacity of Hype".


Friday, April 25, 2008

Eww .......

From Yahoo! Online:

WASHINGTON — Wagging his finger once again, former President Bill Clinton chided a reporter on Tuesday for what he deemed a misinterpretation of his remarks during a radio interview in which he said the Obama campaign “played the race card on me.”

Mr. Clinton confronted the issue of race again on Monday when he was asked by an interviewer for WHYY radio in Philadelphia about his remarks earlier this year on the results of the South Carolina Democratic primary. At the time, he likened the victory of Senator Barack Obama to that of the Rev. Jesse Jackson in 1988; Mr. Clinton’s comparison was denounced widely by black officials who believed he was marginalizing Mr. Obama’s victory with a racially tinged allusion to Mr. Jackson’s failed presidential bids.

His comments became a turning point for many black officials and African-American voters, who cited them over and over in the weeks afterward as reasons they had coalesced behind Mr. Obama.

Susan Phillips, the journalist for WHYY in Philadelphia who interviewed Mr. Clinton on Monday, asked him whether he would still make that comparison or whether it had been a mistake, prompting Mr. Clinton to reply: “No, I think that they played the race card on me. We now know, from memos from the campaign and everything, that they planned to do it along.”

As he had in the past, Mr. Clinton defended his views in the radio interview, saying that Mr. Jackson’s victory was a “seminal” one and that even Mr. Jackson was not offended by the remarks. Mr. Clinton spent the remainder of the interview outlining his record of appointing black officials to his cabinet, and citing his efforts around the world through his foundation.


Bill Clinton"s use of the word "seminal" is problematic.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Racism Is Alive And Well In America

Among lower income, less educated white voters in the heartland, Barach Obama is seen by many as the candidate of privilege. They complain that he's out of touch. They say he "talks down" to them. They say he's "elitist".

Is "elitist" is a code word for "uppity"?


Monday, April 21, 2008

Hillary's Chutzpah

If the the National League's second place team argued that the team in first place hadn't earned the right to play in the World Series because it might not be able to beat the American League team, would anyone take their argument seriously?


Monday, April 07, 2008

Clinton announces cancer research effort (from Yahoo! News)

Mon Apr 7, 4:49 AM ET

A proposal by Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton would provide $300 million a year in increased government funding on breast cancer research, focusing on treatment and exploring possible genetic and environmental triggers for the disease.

The presidential hopeful and former first lady discussed her plan with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres on her television show, which was scheduled to air Monday. As president, Clinton told DeGeneres, she would set a goal of finding a cure for the disease within ten years.


Breast cancer kills about 40,000 women every year.

According to the American Heart Association, cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the United States. It accounts for nearly 440,000 of the more than 2.4 million annual deaths.

When she hired lobbyist Mark Penn as her chief campaign strategist, Hillary knew (or should have known) that his firm represents Philip Morris.

Hillary knows which side her breast is buttered on. That's why she's going on a TV show viewed by women to talk about her three hundred million dollar initiative to find a cure for "their" disease.

And Speaking Of Misspeaking ....

In her book, "Living History," Hillary Clinton described a "shortened welcoming ceremony" at Tuzla Air Base, Bosnia-Herzegovina. She wrote, "Due to reports of snipers in the hills around the airstrip, we were forced to cut short an event on the tarmac with local children, though we did have time to meet them and their teachers and to learn how hard they had worked during the war to continue classes in any safe spot they could find".

I'm so disappointed in Hillary. Not only does she not write her own books, she doesn't even read them.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

"Gonna Fly Now"

Just in time for the Pennsylvania Primary, the "Gonna Cry Now" candidate has morphed into yet another persona - this time the "never say-die, never-give-up" boxer Rocky Balboa.

He lost that first fight, as I remember. But Hillary would have won.

She'd have thrown the pugilistic equivalent of the kitchen sink at Apollo Creed - head butts, rabbit punches, low blows - and after the final round, if she was still behind on points, she'd hit him on the head with a stool as he walked to his corner.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Eat Your Heart Out, Margaret Thatcher

Twice in one day, in two different news clips, I heard Bill Clinton refer to his wife as a "girl". He was suggesting that his wife was being unfairly "picked on".

Is the use of the word "girl" deliberate? Does her campaign think it will galvanize her support among women? Are they appealing to chivalrous males to gallantly come to her defense when she's being attacked by big bad bullying men?

As a woman who likes to be called a woman, I have to wonder why a sixty-year-old female - running for president, no less - is repeatedly referred to as a "girl".
